#bbuzz schedule is now online!

We're glad to announce that the complete schedule with more than 40 sessions and over 50 speakers is now available.

The line-up reflects the latest technological novelties dealing with storing, processing and distributing of large sets of digital data and gives unique insights into the innovation of open-source software. Keynote speakers include:
Ludwine Probst (data engineer at Cityzen Data) – Analytics in the age of the Internet of Things
Eric Evans (engineer for the Wikimedia Foundation) – It's All Fun And Games Until...: A Tale of Repetitive Stress Injury

The complete speaker line-up can be found here. Further highlights are:
Andrew Clegg (data scientist at Etsy) – Signatures, patterns and trends: Timeseries data mining at Etsy
Georgi Knox (back end engineer at Bitly) – Scale with NSQ: a realtime distributed messaging platform
Michael Busch (architect in Search & Content at Twitter) – A complete Tweet index on Apache Lucene

You don't wanna miss this. Purchase your ticket here: https://berlinbuzzwords.de/tickets