Berlin Buzzwords 2015


06/19/2017 - 14:46

Berlin Buzzwords 2017 is now over, and it was great! We have seen over 60 talks, welcomed more than 50 international speakers, had inspiring discusisons, met old friends and made new ones, gained valuable insights and enjoyed a great conference with amazing coffee!

06/13/2017 - 13:38

We're happy to announce that in 2018 together with Isabel Drost-Fromm and Stefan Rudnitzki we'll be organizing a conference about governance, collaboration and community within the open source space.

06/12/2017 - 08:51

There have been a few changes in the conference program, and we would like to provide a quick overview to make it clear. 

Speakers from Berlin Buzzwords 2014

Chief Application Architect
Co-Founder at Streamdrill Inc.
Mesosphere Inc


Silver Partner

Bronze Partner

Media Partner